About Alice

If people were ice cream flavors, Alice Always would be bubble gum with actual bubblegum in the mix that turns different colors as she blows bubbles. Alice is a rather messy eater and tends to get food stains on her otherwise spotless apron.

Alice Always is the brainchild of Ginny Gaura, who describes Alice as “my little inner child.” Many of the stories on this site are Ginny’s actual experiences.

Ginny is a multidisciplinary artist who enjoys poetry, painting, photography, and graphic design. Ginny’s objective is to combine her abilities to create works that enrich life, inspire others, encourage laughter, stimulate imagination, inner reflection, and conscious thought. In other words, to promote peace and love through art.

Ginny believes that through cooperation and creative imagination, we will realize a more loving and peaceful world. She is currently reaching out to find like-minded people.