Do You Feel That You Have a Life Mission to Fulfill?

In The Blues Brothers movie, there is a scene when Jake and Elwood Blues (played onscreen by John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd) get in a car. Elwood comments, “It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark… and we’re wearing sunglasses.” To which Joliet Jake says, “Hit it!”

Over the years, it is a scene that my sister and I have acted out countless times at the beginning of our road trips. We did this because partly because we lived in the Chicago area and our parents had moved to Wisconsin after our dad retired.

On our trips, one of us would invariably comment another famous line from the movie:

We’re on a mission from God.

All my life I have felt that I was here to do something. I honestly always believed that I was here on purpose, that I had a mission.


I also knew that I was not the only one that felt this way. It would take me decades before I found like-minded people. We were born back in dark ages when there were only 6 US TV channels: ABC, CBS, NBC, WGN, PBS and the UHF station, WFLD (which you had to adjust the rabbit ears antenna to get a good picture).

Like the limitations of our TV viewing, we had limitations in our knowledge of our mission. Some of us listened to what our souls told us to do and lived an authentic life of purpose. While others, like myself, wrestled with disillusion and tried to fit in and follow what others did.

It never feels right if you are living in someone else’s version of what life is all about. It may be their heaven, but it can be your hell.

I did what everyone else around me did: got a job, got married and bought a house.  It didn’t fulfill me. I kept telling myself I was happy, knowing deep down inside I was not.

Because I had a hard time hurting others, I stayed in an unfulfilling marriage for years. I couldn’t hurt my ex-husband by leaving but I made myself miserable by staying.

I told my shrink at the time, “It’s easier for me to be miserable than to make another person miserable.” He said, “Blatant honesty. Wow, I haven’t heard that one before.”

I wondered if he was being sarcastic or if no one had gone so deep into the depths into the study of their own pain to have an insight.

I got married in 1988. I knew the marriage was over in 1991, the year I had a spiritual awakening and began writing.

I quit my well-paying job December 31, 1999. In 2000, I got divorced and sold my house. I thought my life would get better.

It didn’t. But it’s all part of the journey.

One good thing is that I reconnected with the great love of my life, someone I had met briefly in the mid-nineties.

And I have to say it: If I had known know, what I knew then, I wouldn’t have done it this way.

So I ask again: Do you feel that you have a mission to fulfill? If so, are you doing it?

You will know that you fulfilling your mission when you are living a life on purpose, listening to your heart and following its promptings.

If you feel that you have a mission, but well, can’t remember what it is, keep reading my blog posts. You will remember what it is because I’m here to help you awaken to the beautiful soul that is you.

I am here to show that what Albert Einstein said is indeed true, that imagination is more important than reality.

Alice Always

A Short Conversation with God about My Mission in Life while Sungazing

The other day I did sungazing, as I do every sunrise or sunset if the sun is not blocked by clouds. This is a spiritual practice where you stare at the sun for short increments of time. I do this to further my spiritual growth and gain insight by opening my eyes to the light of the sun and allowing the sun to shine through my third eye.

If you are interested in practicing sungazing, please do your research. If I have time to write about the topic further, I will. I live in a northern climate and do not follow traditional protocol but rather a style that I intuited is most beneficial to me.

I have to repeat this:
Do not attempt sungazing without researching it fully first!

It can be dangerous if you stare too long or at an inappropriate time or when the UV Index is too high.  Yes, you can go blind. So if you try sungazing, be careful. Be very, very careful.

I do not recommend sungazing for everyone at this current time in our world. It is not something to do on a whim because of harmful levels of UV rays due to ozone layer depletion.

As anyone who was on the planet 50 years ago can tell you, the sun seems much stronger today than back in then. For your perusal, here is a 2012 Australian article about increased levels of UV rays.

If you are interested in learning about sungazing, there is a wealth of information out there on the internet. Here is an article about sungazing that might be helpful from Collective Evolution. Also, here is a link to a YouTube video that is featured in the article.

Sungaze only if you feel called to do it. If you decide to do it, you may find that some people consider it a ridiculous thing and might make fun of you out of ignorance and lack of understanding. Depending on the people within your personal world, it may be in your best interest to keep it to yourself. At least for time being until the collective awakens further.

So back to the topic at hand. The other morning, after my sungazing and rocking rainbow meditation (more on that at a later time), I’m getting up from a kneeling position and God says to me:

“Just one a day. Is that too much to ask?”

The Big Kahuna, the Spirit in the Sky, Me, Myself and I, Bob, or whatever you want to call the Universe, isn’t talking about vitamins.

The Universe is trying to remind me that I said that I would write one blog post a day and publish those posts. Or at least work towards publishing the volumes of writing material that I have written throughout the years.

Writing is my way to uplift all of us, you, me and whoever else stumbles upon this. It is also a way of informing you what I know, which may be helpful for you and your journey here in this world or others.

It would benefit me because I would be fulfilling part of my mission by writing daily and posting the blog articles as soon as I can, even with their imperfections.

I keep coming up with excuses not to write by doing small busywork things that prevent me from writing.


Because a large part of myself still wants to stay small. And part of that large part may be You. What I mean is that I could be reflecting your own procrastination, closed mind, or fear of being seen.

Because we are all One,
I know that what you bring into your life
is a reflection of where your mindset is
at any given point.

Well, I went off on one of my tangents. Oh well! Back to the conversation with God…

So today, to fulfill part of my Earthly mission, I will start posting and publishing more often, hopefully at least every other day if not more.

I know I’m a day few days late. And possibly a dollar short. Whatever that means.

Here’s what I said to God:

“OK, I’ll do it. I know I signed up for this. I remember. I’ll make writing a priority and tell the world what I know. If they don’t like it or aren’t ready for it and tune me out, that’s OK. If they like it and tune me in, well then, that’s OK too.”

I’m OK, you’re OK. It’s a book. (I’ve been saying that phrase since 1984, so why stop now?)

I submit to various Facebook groups and will continue to do that for a while. For me, time is speeding up so fast that I don’t get everything done each day that I would like to. And that’s OK too.

I am asking a request of everyone who is reading this post or anything else that I write. If something touches your soul and you think that it would benefit someone who you know or haven’t met yet, please share it with others on whatever social media outlet you like. I know that what I have to say is needed at this time because as Alice I understand things that you don’t unless you understand that you are Alice also.

And if you already know that you are Alice, well then, you’ll already in Wonderland.

Alice Always

P.S. For more information on being on a mission from God, here’s another blog post featuring the Blues Brothers.

Our Gifts Are Meant To Be Shared

We all have gifts that set us apart from others. Sometimes a gift is obvious, like someone who can fly through the air and slam-dunk a basketball. A certain Chicago Bulls player whose jersey was number 23 comes to mind.

Some people are masters of taking food ingredients and preparing meals that make our taste buds happy.

Some people are compassionate healers, nurturing others back to health.

Some people are great listeners who can help us through situations and find solutions we never thought of.

Some people are dexterous with their hands and able to take materials to make furniture and buildings.

Some people uplift others by playing musical instruments or singing.

Some people excel at cleaning, organizing, assembling, spelling or solving complex mathematical equations.

Some people think of preposterous ideas that change how we think.

Some people invent new technology to make everyone’s life easier.

Some people play characters that we can identify with.

Some people create art that speaks to our soul.

Some people are wonderful at making others feel better with just a smile.

We all have at least one special talent that is unique to us.

No one gift is more important than another because when all gifts are shared, they create a wonderful world.

Because each of us is a different shape and size than the next person, so too our gifts come in different shapes and sizes.

So many of us go through our work days in drudgery just to pay the bills.

Some of us don’t appreciate what we have or use our gifts at all. Some of us don’t even realize that we have them by never taking the time to try something new.

Imagine wrapping a present and never giving it to anyone. That’s what it is like to not appreciate your gift. It stays in the box, unopened.

When I was a kid, we called our unique talents God-given gifts. They are gifts of the spirit and our souls want us to use them.

What if we all shared our gift with at least one other person each day? It would make us happier and that in turn could create a happier world.

Think of it this way:

Our gifts are the presents we get to share.

Alice Always