Our Gifts Are Meant To Be Shared

We all have gifts that set us apart from others. Sometimes a gift is obvious, like someone who can fly through the air and slam-dunk a basketball. A certain Chicago Bulls player whose jersey was number 23 comes to mind.

Some people are masters of taking food ingredients and preparing meals that make our taste buds happy.

Some people are compassionate healers, nurturing others back to health.

Some people are great listeners who can help us through situations and find solutions we never thought of.

Some people are dexterous with their hands and able to take materials to make furniture and buildings.

Some people uplift others by playing musical instruments or singing.

Some people excel at cleaning, organizing, assembling, spelling or solving complex mathematical equations.

Some people think of preposterous ideas that change how we think.

Some people invent new technology to make everyone’s life easier.

Some people play characters that we can identify with.

Some people create art that speaks to our soul.

Some people are wonderful at making others feel better with just a smile.

We all have at least one special talent that is unique to us.

No one gift is more important than another because when all gifts are shared, they create a wonderful world.

Because each of us is a different shape and size than the next person, so too our gifts come in different shapes and sizes.

So many of us go through our work days in drudgery just to pay the bills.

Some of us don’t appreciate what we have or use our gifts at all. Some of us don’t even realize that we have them by never taking the time to try something new.

Imagine wrapping a present and never giving it to anyone. That’s what it is like to not appreciate your gift. It stays in the box, unopened.

When I was a kid, we called our unique talents God-given gifts. They are gifts of the spirit and our souls want us to use them.

What if we all shared our gift with at least one other person each day? It would make us happier and that in turn could create a happier world.

Think of it this way:

Our gifts are the presents we get to share.

Alice Always