What Will the Year of the Rabbit Bring?

Will we fall down the rabbit hole in 2023? Or rather, how much deeper will we go?

You understand that we are living in a dystopian Wonderlandish world, right? Are we on the same page as that? Isn’t there an absurdity in life that just seems to be getting more ridiculous, especially in the political sphere?

What a curiouser and curiouser world!

Now that we are entering 2023 Chinese Year of the Rabbit, we are going down the rabbit hole into a world that we are, more than ever before, collectively creating together.

It’s a world of weirdness, with flat-Earthers, conspiracy theorists, election deniers and billionaires gone bonkers. Cartoon characters come to life.

You never know what’s going to popup in the news next. If you can believe it or not. At dizzying pace, things happen that shock, stun and  mesmerize the masses.

It’s designed to attract people’s attention. And it’s working. But it’s also causing people to wake up, speak up and take action.

In Chinese culture, the rabbit symbolizes peace, prosperity and longevity. Let’s focus on that and take steps to make those symbols a reality. Once we make changes in our thinking, our actions change and shift our outer reality.

How can we create a world of peace? By being peace ourselves.

How can we prosper? Through seeing our self-worth.

And the longevity part? We have to take care of ourselves. It’s all about the buzz word that’s going to get bigger and bigger as we progress into 2023: self-care.

(I will write about these ideas in other articles and link them here when I’m done, so you don’t get lost in my digital Wonderland.)

We change what is happening on the outside by changing our perceptions and limiting beliefs on the inside, finding the spark of light that is our heart-center. By living from our heart-center, we will ignite the hearts of others as well.

And that rabbit hole we find ourselves in? It’s a land of wonder. Isn’t that wonderful?

Alice Always

What Awareness Can Do For You

In a previous blog post, I wrote about my personal experience with pain. After I published it, I asked myself, now why did I do that?

My original intention for this blog was to be something l fun, light-hearted and inspiring. But writing that post, I went down a rabbit hole that I didn’t expect.

Given what is happening currently worldwide, I think a lot of people feel that they also went down an unexpected rabbit hole also.

I said that there are no accidents. only lack of awareness of what is happening. In questioning my action, I began to see more clearly.

The pain I felt within my body had slowed me down to the point to see the gift, which was to see the beauty of my own pain.

I realized what is truly important, just being in the moment. When you don’t rush yourself, you realize that you are exactly where you need to be.

You begin to see that your life is unfolding perfectly and always has been.

You begin to see the purpose behind everything that has happened in your life, the truth of who you are.

The veil of forgetfulness that is placed upon you when you are born begins to lift.

You begin to fully awake.

Alice Always