Tree Soul

Spiritual Awakening: A Process of the Soul

Spiritual awakening is a process of growth that can happen many times during one’s lifetime. The entire awakening process is not completed until Ascension. I’ll go more into details about that in another post.

I’m going to simplify things for the masses, so if you are a fully awakened master, please bear with me or share this with people who you feel could benefit from reading it.

There are people on Earth who are completely awake. I wrote about them in another blog post.

What I am about to tell you is what I know personally. Others may explain it differently depending on the sources of their information, be it what they read, channeled, or encountered personally.

I am writing from what I have found through my own meditations, poetry, inner knowing and personal experience.

Let’s start with basics: We each have a soul, an individual spark of awareness that existed before you were born in your body and will continue after you leave it. Each soul is multidimensional and is not limited to time and space.

If you don’t agree and are not open to the possibility of having an everlasting soul, stop reading. The reason I say this is that you must have a degree of awareness to grasp this. If your mind is closed, all the words in the world will not open it. Only you can do that and it will only happen when you are ready.

Are you still with me? OK. Read on…

Before you were born, your soul existed as pure consciousness. You made an agreement to come to  Earth at this time to live a life in a body. You might have lived here before or on other planets. This is the concept of reincarnation.

What you decide to do in this lifetime or any other is totally up to you. We all have lessons to learn to help us grow and people to help us along the way. Our greatest teachers are usually our relatives and the lessons are not always easy.

After a lifetime, you review it and decide what you will do in the next one. You decide who your parents will be, your name, what you will look like, your life situation and general themes about your life.

Some people choose very challenging lives like abuse, debilitating illness or extreme poverty. Others choose a life of ease.

Sometimes we are living our lives and something suddenly comes up to change our thinking. Then we don’t see things the way we did before.

We wake up. It could be a simple thing like tasting a new food or more complex like realizing the political world was designed to keep the rich in power and the rest of society under their thumbs.

In the case of the new food, you think something like, “Oh, this is so yummy!” or “Bleh! Icky! I am not enjoying this!”

When people wake up to the inequalities within the political world, revolutions happen.

Imagine you get up one day and say, “Hey, I just can’t take this job or relationship anymore!”

It is your soul saying, “Yoo Hoo! Wake up! This isn’t for you anymore! You deserve to feel happy, content and appreciated. You deserve a life that you love filled with loving people who uplift you.”

Many people stay asleep, refusing to change. Change itself is constant but many lead a complacent, secure life.

If your soul decides that it is time for you to wake up, a situation or several will present themselves to show you that you must do something different. If you don’t listen and take action, life will find a way to get you to wake up. Some situations that could happen are: your partner leaves you, you get laid off from your job, an illness or accident may happen. It can be several things at once.

When the wake-up call occurs, you can fight it, go into depression, anger, desperation or you can choose to accept it. You can say, “OK, this happened to get my attention, now what do I have to do?”

A relationship ending might signal that it is time for you to be alone for a while, to learn to love yourself. A job that ends could mean it is time to do something completely different; time to re-evaluate your skills, abilities, and interests. An illness may mean it is time to make healthier lifestyle choices or let others help you.

These are just examples. As we are all individuals, all of our situations are different.

When something totally unexpected occurs, there is no reason to blame yourself. That is a manifestation of the ego.

Accept the challenge as a blessing in disguise. Your soul knows everything is working out for your highest interest, to get you to wake up.

It doesn’t end there. Once you are able to move into acceptance over the situation, you must start living from the heart. What that means is to stop trying to force solutions that are out of alignment with who you are deep down inside.

Your soul doesn’t want you to jump into a new relationship just because you don’t want to be alone. Your soul doesn’t want you to get a job that doesn’t fit you just to have enough money to pay the bills to barely get by.

Your soul wants to live a life of purpose, thriving and using your unique gifts.

You have to look at the big picture, ask yourself, what is this situation telling me? How can I take this challenge, accept it and move forward? What actions do I need to take?

Your soul wants you to move into harmony and alignment with yourself. Your soul wants you to live from the heart, making heart-centered choices instead of choices made out of desperation.

Are you doing that?

I have been in a place of desperation far too many times.

Once you awaken and begin living from your heart, awareness increases. You begin to see the world for how expansive and all-encompassing it actually is, and each new awareness awakens you to the next level of consciousness.

I like to think of each spiritual awakening in terms of a stairway. New understandings must be realized and embraced through expanding your awareness to get to the next step.

What happens when you reach the top of the stairway in a fully awakened state?

You experience heaven on earth.

Alice Always

4 thoughts on “Spiritual Awakening: A Process of the Soul”

  1. A precious friendship was abruptly and callously finished, I had a heart attack…so I guess I see it as a wake up call? I am resting, accepting and waiting …

    1. May, I am sorry to hear of your difficulties. Yes, it is a wake-up call. There is a need for your heart to remain in a loving place. I am sending prayers for your healing.

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