Love You Zoomer! One Boomer’s Response to OK Boomer

A while back, I read an article about a student who designed a t-shirt that read, OK Boomer. As a graphic designer, I wanted to create a design that speaks back.

This particular design was reminiscent of the old plastic grocery bags that I still see now from time to time: they had the words Thank You printed in rows of red outlined words with the middle row in solid text. I remember seeing the original ones in the 1980s. Back then, they were created in Cooper Black font. I know this because I worked in art advertising and in the pre-Mac era, we only had a limited number of standard fonts. Cooper Black stood out as one of the thickest typefaces and was unique in its rounded serifs. I remember it fondly as a fun font.

The reason why the OK Boomer design grabbed my attention wasn’t the typography; that was an old idea updated for today’s marketplace. It wasn’t because I was a Baby Boomer; that’s nothing new. I’ve been one my whole life. What got me was the last line: Have A Terrible Day. It’s petty and mean, even if it’s supposed to be sarcastic.

I perceive sarcasm as the biting chihuahua of humor. Yeah, those little doggies look funny when they bark and jump in the air, but if one of them takes a nip at your ankle, it’s not so funny anymore.

The words we use matter, even if it is a joke. If it gives off negative energy of any kind, it is projecting more negativity into the world.

Once more…

The words we use matter, even if it is a joke. If it gives off negative energy of any kind, it is projecting more negativity into the world.

The last line of the original Thank you bag design read Have a nice day! Yes, it’s a cliche that is an automatic response in some people. I like it because of its positivity, leaving people on a friendly note.

Recently, I have gotten into the habit of saying, Have a wonderful day! Because when I say that, it makes me think of a day full of wonder. Since everyone has a different idea of a wonderful day, it just creates more positive, wonderful energy.

When I created my Love You Collection, I started with Love You Millennial because I had thought that the OK Boomer design was created by one. When I went back to find the news article, it was someone younger, a Zoomer. A Zoomer speaking to a Boomer. Two rhyming generations with the “oo” sound. Oo! It’s as groovy as it gets.

In the process of creation, I did more research and came up with more designs. I used a sans-serif font because it flowed better with the longer words.

Take a look at my designs for my Love You Collection. More ideas came to me in the process of creation, so I decided to add more images. I’ve always been interested in creating inspirational pieces. If something someone creates uplifts another, we all benefit.

Variety of shirt styles on Amazon.

I made designs for other generations and more. I included Love Yourself for self-love and Love One Another bible verse. Because I’m a native Chicagoan, I created Love Yous Guys. And Love Y’all for my Southern friends.

Here are the approximate dates for the generations:

Greatest Generation 1901-1924
Silent Generation 1925-1945
Baby Boomers 1946-1964
Busters (Gen X) 1965-1979
Millennials (Gen Y) 1980-1994
Zoomers (Gen Z) 1995-2012
Generation Alpha 2013-2025

Buy t-shirts, mugs, and more products on Pixels. Also available on shirts at Amazon. We can all benefit from a more loving world where we all learn from each other, regardless of age. And yeah, this Boomer could sure use some help from the younger generations!

Alice Always

P.S. I’m looking to collaborate on this and other online platforms. I would also like to expand into licensing. Contact me if you are a like-minded art agent, social media expert, established t-shirt seller, marketing wiz, or someone who can help me otherwise grow my Alice Always brand.

P.P.S. Please feel free to share this blog post and spread the love.