The Importance of Earth Day with Dr. Jane Goodall

I ran across the 2018 Earth Day Google Doodle video with Jane Goodall accidentally when I was Googling something else. As you may already know, Dr. Jane Goodall is a primatologist and an anthropologist is who the foremost authority on chimpanzees.

Here are two important quotes from her to keep in mind:

Out in the rainforest you learn how everything is interconnected and how each little species, even though it may seem insignificant, has a role to play in this tapestry of life.


Every single individual matters, every single individual makes some impact on the planet every single day and we have a choice as to what kind of difference we are going to make.

You matter. I matter. They matter. We all matter.

Every being on the Earth matters including the Earth herself.

May you take a moment today to go out outside and connect with nature in some way. I will be walking the nature trail by my house, stopping to smell the flowers that are finally making their appearance after a long winter.

I’ll also hug a tree, meditate in nature and reflect upon how each of us impacts the world. I will visualize our Mother Earth in all her beauty and see her healed of all the offenses mankind has ever done to her.

May you celebrate Earth Day and every day feeling One with everything.

Alice Always